not a one-size-fits all kind of service


From optimizing storage solutions to creating personalized organization systems, we will transform your space into a harmonious and functional haven.



Our Organizing service is designed to help you regain control of your space. Our team of professional organizers will work closely with you to declutter, sort, and create a well-organized environment that suits your lifestyle.


Moving to a new home? Our Unpacking and Organizing service takes the hassle out of settling in.

We'll unpack your belongings, carefully organize them, and ensure everything finds its rightful place. Whether it's your kitchen, bedroom, or any other area, we'll streamline the process, making your transition seamless and efficient.

Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with a perfectly organized space from day one.

Partnering with Einstein Moving, we also offer a comprehensive Packing, Moving, and Unpacking Service to ensure a seamless transition to your new home.

The Einstein Moving team will pack and move your belongings. Our organizers will then unpack and organize everything upon arrival.

This all-inclusive service allows you to focus on settling in, while we handle the logistics, making your move a breeze from start to finish.

Packing and Moving quotes are given separately, please visit their website.

Holiday decorating

Our Holiday Decorating service brings the magic of the holidays to your home without the stress.

Our team decorators will collaborate with you to create a festive atmosphere that reflects your unique style and preferences.

Spend more time enjoying the season and less time worrying about the setup and takedown of decorations.

“A good system shortens the road to the goal.”

- Orison Sweet Marden



$80/hr for one organizer

$105/hr for two organizers

The service includes:

  • Skilled labor from our dedicated organizers

  • Personalized shopping service

  • One complimentary hauling of donations

$105/hr for two organizers

+$25/hr for each additional organizer


The service includes:

  • Organization planning and decluttering assistance

  • Efficient Unpacking, sorting and categorizing

  • Implementation of organization systems

  • One complimentary hauling of donations

$80/hr for one organizer

$105/hr for two organizers

Holiday decorating

The service includes:

  • Decorating with your own decorations or creating a layout that matches your style

  • Gift wrapping

  • Christmas Tree set-up

  • Decorations take-down

MEET YOUR organizer

Julia Foulk
Founder and Professional Organizer

The Organizing Method was founded by Julia Foulk

Julia has a passion for bringing peace into chaotic spaces. She strongly believes that organizing is an act of self-love. Her sensitivity and creativity are her biggest strengths when working with clients.